Uriah is set to start his second round of immunotherapy Monday. Since the last post, he finished his bone marrow transplant and radiation. There’s so much that goes on with neuroblastoma, it’s really amazing. Bone Marrow Transplant Uriah was in the hospital for a month for the process of the bone marrow aka stem cell […]
Well, here we are, inpatient for Uriah’s stem cell transplant. Perhaps I’ll do a what has happened post and then a what’s going on now post? It’s been three months since I last posted and we’ve been as busy ever. Sorry, I guess, that I haven’t done more updates. It just been too crazy. So, […]
Broadcasting live from the hospital: Unplanned admission for fever while neutropenic (that means no immune system/white cells basically) Ok, I’ve been bad about posting updates. I’m going to do a brief overview of what’s been going on. Last post, we we’re prepping for chemo round 3 and birthday. Let’s see… So, chemo round 3 got […]
It seems that the update schedule for Uriah will fall in line with his chemotherapy cycles. Sorry, I really should try to keep this site updated more often. It’s truly amazing how busy we feel with all of this. A lot of it is probably pure exhaustion. Life has seemed to be a bit of […]